For these reasons.. Australia 7th on the list of the best countries in the world 2023

The goal of the 2022 Best Countries Ranking is to comprehend how various nations are viewed on a global basis. Based on data from a survey of more than 17,000 global residents, the rankings assess 85 countries across 26 categories, measuring 73 variables that could affect trade, tourism, and investment as well as have a direct impact on national economies. Australia claimed seventh spot in the standings after once again defeating several rivals. Australia, congratulations!

The Commonwealth of Australia covers 7,741,220 SQ. KM of the Australian continent. Australia has a total population of 25,739,256. Canberra serves as the nation's capital in the kangaroo country. The GDP was $1.54 trillion in total. GDP per capita, PPP, is $55,807.

Why is Australia the seventh-best country in the world in 2022?

The country is also home to several islands, most notably Tasmania. The region has been inhabited by aboriginal people for at least 40,000 years prior to the early British settlements of the 18th century.

Australia's system of government is a parliamentary democracy, just like the UK. Despite the fact that it splits its federal government into "three branches" (parliament, executive, and judiciary), the executive is subservient to the parliament. All constitutional ties to the United Kingdom were dissolved in 1986, despite Queen Elizabeth II still acting as the nation's ceremonial head of state.

Since the late 18th century, American, British, and Celtic cultures have had an impact on Australia. However, in recent decades, immigration from non-English-speaking nations, primarily from Asia, has changed the country's demographics and affected its popular culture.

Australia is recognised as a wealthy nation because of its market-based economy, relatively high gross domestic product, and per capita income. Its economy is driven by the service sector and exports of goods.

Involvement in sports is widespread in the nation, and both sexes can expect to live long lives. Its larger cities usually place highly in international livability rankings. Voters overwhelmingly supported same-sex marriage in late 2017 and moved the issue to Congress.

Australians are still quite concerned about environmental issues, according to surveys and official figures. The country has ratified the Kyoto Protocol, a United Nations resolution demanding nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. However, carbon dioxide emissions per person vary greatly between nations.

Australia is a member of many important global and regional groups, including the United Nations, the Group of 20, the World Trade Organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.

The overall Best Countries rankings evaluate various worldwide performance indicators. The finest nation in the world for 2022 is Switzerland.

  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • Canada
  • United States
  • Sweden
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Denmark
  • New Zealand
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Italy
  • Finland
